This is how roaming works in the European Economic Area (EEA)

All ConectaBalear customers can use their rate both in Spain and roaming in the countries of the European Economic Area. This means that while you are traveling in one of the countries included in the European zone, you will be able to call and browse the Internet and your mobile line will be charged in the same way as if you were in Spain.

Please note that this does not affect calls from Spain to other countries, which are still considered international and have a special cost.

Countries included: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland (including the Aland Islands), France, Greece, French Guiana (French Antilles), Hungary, Ireland, Guadeloupe Island (Antilles) French), Martinique Island (French Antilles), Réunion Island, Saint Martin Island (French Antilles), Iceland, Italy and Vatican City, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (including Madeira and Azores), Czech Republic, Romania, San Marino and Sweden.

Notice: Andorra, United Kingdom, Gibraltar and Switzerland, although located in Europe, are not part of this agreement. The calls you make or receive will not be included in your rate.

How do I activate or deactivate roaming for my mobile line?

To be able to use your line outside of Spain you must activate roaming from your ConectaBalear customer area or by contacting us by phone or email. Then you must also make sure that the “Data roaming” setting on your mobile phone is activated to be able to browse the Internet.

Remember that you must turn the terminal off and on, when you arrive in the country you are visiting, the phone will automatically connect to the network with the best coverage with those that have ConectaBalear roaming agreements.

While traveling in another country, can I call Spain without additional costs? And to a local number in the country where I am located?

Yes, when you are traveling in a country in the European zone you can call Spain and any other country in the zone and it will be charged as a national call. If you have a plan with voice minutes included, you will not pay for the call.

To serve as a reference, these are the different costs depending on the call you make:

  • When you are traveling in Europe:
    • Call to Spain: National rate
    • Call to another country in Europe: National rate
    • Call to a Spanish mobile that is traveling in Europe: National rate
  • When you call from Spain:
    • Call to Spain: National rate
    • Call to another country in Europe: International rate
    • Call to a Spanish mobile that is traveling in Europe: National rate

Can I call from Spain to any country in the roaming zone without additional cost?

No, calls made from Spain to any other country are still considered international and maintain their cost.

If I am traveling to a country in the European zone, can I call any other country with no additional cost?

When you are roaming in any country in the European zone (excluding Spain), all calls you make to any other country in the European zone will count as national calls. If your rate includes minutes, it won't cost you anything. Otherwise, you will pay the same as a national call between Spanish lines.

Limitations on the use of roaming in the European Economic Area

Your mobile rate is valid in Spain and in any country of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, which make up the European Economic Area. However, to avoid abusive use, rules are stipulated that limit very intensive or permanent use of roaming.

What does abusive use of roaming, mean?

According to European regulation, there are several types of use that are considered abusive and that imply an additional charge for the use of mobile phones while roaming in the EU. You will be considered abusive if you meet one of the following conditions:

1. Your consumption and your presence in roaming is prevalent over your consumption and national presence in the last four months. For better understanding: your use of roaming in the EEA in the last four months is observed, and it is verified whether the following two conditions are met simultaneously:

  • Data consumption in EEE roaming greater than in Spain.
  • Number of days of exclusive presence in EEE roaming greater than the number of days with presence in Spain

2. Your consumption is exclusive in EU roaming in the last 2 months, without having made any national consumption with your line in that period. Remember that we will never start applying additional roaming charges without having first sent you a warning SMS. This surcharge will never be applied to consumption made before the notice, only for future roaming data use.

How do I know if I abuse roaming in the EEA?

If we detect that your use of roaming in the European economic area violates ConectaBalear's reasonable use policy, according to regulations approved by the EU, we will send you an SMS and/or an email notifying you. From that moment on, you will have 2 weeks to change your usage pattern, that is, return to reasonable use of roaming in the EEA. This means that in those 14 days after receiving the warning SMS, you must have had a greater presence and consumption in Spain than in EEA roaming:

  • If your usage pattern in the 14 days has changed, you will receive an SMS and/or an email confirming that you are still within reasonable roaming usage, and therefore, you will continue using your national EEA roaming rate without additional charges.
  • If not, your data plan will be disabled and you will have to purchase one of the following roaming add ons to continue using your line (price according to European regulations):
    • 1 GB: 1,88 €
    • 3 GB: 5,63 €
    • 5 GB: 9,38 €

When will I be able to use my EEA roaming rate again without additional charges?

At the beginning of each month, we will review your roaming usage pattern again to check that it is no longer abusive, in which case we will send you an SMS and/or email to notify you of the end of the extra charges. From that moment on, you can use your tariff again in the EEA without any additional cost. If roaming consumption remains outside the reasonable use policy, surcharges will continue to apply to EEA roaming data pricing.

When I have a data surcharge in EEA roaming, do I use data from my national data rate?

No. During the time that an extra cost is being applied to you for the use of data in EEA roaming, due to abusive use, only what you consume in Spain will subtract from your national data rate. Currently, the limitations for roaming use in the European Economic Area (EEA) do not apply to the use of voice and SMS.

Does the surcharge affect all my lines?

No, the surcharge only applies to the lines that have carried out the abusive consumption.

If I go on holiday in the summer to an EEA country, can I be subject to abusive use?

Don't worry, these limits are designed to avoid exclusive or very intensive uses of roaming. The regulation is designed so that all EU citizens can travel safely in the European Economic Territory, but not for prevalent use in a country other than yours.

If I go to live in France, could I pay a surcharge for my data?

Yes. If your stay in an EEA country, such as France, is going to be long, then you may receive notices for excessive roaming consumption. In that case, if you do not return to Spain, your data plan will be disabled.

If I travel outside the EEA, do these limitations apply to me?

No. All these conditions apply only in countries where the national rate can be used without additional cost. In countries that do not belong to the EEA, the price of roaming does not depend on the rate you have in Spain. By default, roaming costs are applied according to the area to which the country belongs.

How do I know what the roaming data limit is on my rate?

The number of GB available to be used during a current month in free European roaming is the result of the application of European regulations and may be modified depending on them. It is for this reason that below you will be able to see the number of gigabytes that you can enjoy at no cost outside of Spain.

Remember, however, that our rates are designed for clients who usually reside in Spain.

FUP RATES (Responsible Use Policy)
Rate Rate price (without VAT) GB included GB available in Roaming (FUP)
Unlimited 30 Gigas 7,36€ 30 GB 8 GB
Unlimited 50 Gigas 8,18€ 50 GB 10 GB
Unlimited 100 Gigas 9,01€ 100 GB 12 GB
Unlimited 150 Gigas 10,66€ 150 GB 13 GB
Unlimited 200 Gigas 12,31€ 200 GB 15 GB
Unlimited Rate 13,97€ 270 GB 16 GB
Unlimited 20 Gigas 7,36€ 20 GB 8 GB
Unlimited 25 Gigas 8,18€ 25 GB 10 GB
Unlimited 60 Gigas 9,01€ 60 GB 12 GB
Unlimited 180 Gigas 12,31€ 180 GB 15 GB

For discontinued rates that are not in the table, you can contact customer service or consult it in your customer area.

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